Homeless Services Update – 2022 Point-in-Time Homeless Count Results

Homeless Report

Homelessness impacts every sector of our community and continues to be the subject of study,
evaluation, and planning since before the inaugural Point-in-Time Homeless Count (Count) in This memorandum provides the results of the 2022 Count and a comparative analysis with the 2020 Count.

The 2022 Count was the first count post-pandemic with plans for the City of Long Beach (City) to resume doing an annual count to understand trends and changes in who is experiencing homelessness in Long Beach. The Count remains one of the most valuable tools that allows
the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and local communities the ability to assess homelessness at national and local levels. The Count allows trend analyses on the scope of homelessness regionally and across the nation. The Count is also a community-wide effort that provides an opportunity for residents and local businesses to actively contribute and learn about people who are experiencing homelessness and gain an understanding of the resources available to address homelessness in Long Beach. Between the 2020 and 2022 Count, the City has greatly increased in staffing, resources, and programs for people experiencing homelessness. At the time of the 2020 Count, the Homeless
Services Bureau was a division under the Department of Health and Human Services, with a staff of approximately 25 people. In the last two years, the division transitioned to a bureau, staffing has grown to 80 positions, with an additional 15 contracted staff to support maintenance, case management at Project RoomKey sites, and security. Similarly, in the past three years, the budget for funding homeless-related services has
increased from an annual budget of approximately $10 million to a budget that is nearing $80 million with the likelihood of increasing over the coming years. The increased budget includes funding for homeless prevention, outreach, and access services, capital improvement projects,
permanent housing subsidies, interim and permanent housing service and operating funds, employment services, coordination of the system, and the administration for both contracted and directly operated funding. (City of Long Beach Memorandum, 2022).

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